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Our Blog
We'll share thoughts, beautiful poems, research and inspiration to keep you connected, reflecting and growing.

My Brain & Heart Divorced poem by John Roedel
my brain and heart divorced a decade ago over who was to blame about how big of a mess I have become eventually, they couldn't be in the...

Half Life poem by Khalil Gibran
by - Khalil Gibran ​Do not love half lovers Do not entertain half friends Do not live half a life and do not die a half death If you...

Patience Visited Me by Tahlia Hunter
Another beautiful poem which resonates with the work we do here so wanted to share it with you. Read it slowly. ​Steph x Patience visited...

A Mind in the Present - a poem by a guest
After leaving the Mastering Me Retreat Lesley wrote this beautiful poem which she sent to us. More words from Lesley that should be in...

For a New Beginning poem by John O'Donohue
Here's another beautiful poem I sometimes read in the studio whilst people are still enough for their hearts to listen. Steph x In...

She by Becky Hemsley Poetry
This stunning poem strikes a chord, I struggle to read it without choking up. With sadness and then with relief. ​Enjoy x ‘She sat at the...
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