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Patience Visited Me by Tahlia Hunter

Another beautiful poem which resonates with the work we do here so wanted to share it with you. 

Read it slowly.

​Steph x

Patience visited me

And it reminded me 

That good things take time to come to fruition

And grow slowly with stability 

Peace visited me 

And it reminded me 

That I may remain calm through the storms of life 

Regardless of the chaos surrounding me 

Hope visited me 

And it reminded me 

That better times lay ahead 

And it would always be there to guide and uplift me

Humility visited me 

And it reminded me 

That I may achieve it ​

Not by trying to shrink myself and make myself less

But by focusing on serving the world and uplifting those around me

Kindness visited me

And it reminded me 

To be more gentle, forgiving and compassionate toward myself 

And those surrounding me

Confidence visited me

And it reminded me

To not conceal or suppress my gifts and talents 

In order to make others feel more comfortable 

But to embrace what makes me me 

Focus visited me

And it reminded me

That other people’s insecurities and judgements about me

Are not my problem 

And I should redirect my attention 

From others back to me 

Freedom visited me 

And it reminded me 

That no one has control over my mindset, thoughts and wellbeing 

But me

And love visited me 

And it reminded me 

That I need not search for it in others

As it lies within me.

Words by Tahlia Hunter

​Artwork by Jungsuk Lee

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